ZOOHCC-502 ZOOLOGY ( 5th Semester ) ( Principles of Genetics ) Question Paper

2021 /TDC/CBCS/ODD/ ZOOHCC-502T/034 Question Paper

TDC (CBCS) Odd Semester Exam., 2021 held in March, 2022

ZOOLOGY ( 5th Semester ) Course No. : ZOOHCC-502T

( Principles of Genetics )


Answer any ten of the following questions : 2x10=20

  1. What is meant by codominance? Cite one example?
  2. What is testcross? Differentiate it from back Cross.
  3. What are lethal alleles? Cite one example of lethal allelic trait in human.?
  4. What is crossing-over?
  5. What is interference in gene mapping?
  6. State the chromosome theory of linkage.
  7. What is frameshift mutation and what gre its consequences?
  8. Differentiate = between Euploidy and Aneuploidy.
  9. Differentiate between Trisomy and Tetrasomy. Name two trisomic chromosomal disorders.
  10. What is Barr body?
  11. What is heterogamesis?
  12. How is sex determined in man?
  13. What is meant by polygenic inheritance?
  14. What is transduction?
  15. Differentiate between Episomes and Plasmids.

SECTION-B 6x5=30

  1. State Mendel's law of independent assortment. Explain the law with a suitable illustration. Explain what is Pleiotropism.? 1+3+2=6
  2. What is meant by sex-linked inheritance? Discuss characteristic pattern of sex-linked inheritance with suitable examples. Differentiate between sex-influenced and sex-limited genes. 1+4+1=6
  3. Discuss the phenomenon of linkage citing ‘Suitable examples. What is meant by linkage group? : 4+2=6
  4. Write short notes on cytological basis of crossing over and linkage map. 3+3=6
  5. Define gene mutation. Discuss molecular basis of mutations in relation to UV light and chemical mutagens. What is tautomerisation? 1+4+1=6
  6. Write short notes on types of gene mutation and polyploidy. 3+3=6
  7. Describe genic balance mechanism of sex determination in animals. Add a note on environmentally controlled sex determining mechanism with suitable examples. 4+2=6
  8. Discuss extra-nuclear maternal inheritance in eukaryotes with suitable examples. Add a note on mitochondria. extra-nuclear inheritance by mitochondria 4+2=6
  9. What are transposable genes and what are their characteristics? Briefly transposons in human. discuss 1+2+3=6
  10. Write short notes on transformation and transduction transfer. as mechanisms of gene 3+3=6