ZOOHCC-601 Content | Bsc Zoology Honours |

ZOOHCC - 601: Developmental Biology (Theory) 

Unit 1: Introduction 

  1. Historical perspective and basic concepts  click here
  2. Phases of development  click here
  3. Cell-cell interaction  click here
  4. Pattern formation, Differentiation and growth, Differential gene expression  click here
  5. Cytoplasmic determinants and asymmetric cell division  click here

Unit 2: Early Embryonic Development 

  1. Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis; Types of eggs, Egg membranes  click here
  2. Fertilization (External and Internal): Changes in gametes, Blocks to polyspermy; Planes and patterns of cleavage 
  3. Types of Blastula; Fate maps (including Techniques);  click here
  4. Early development of frog and chick up to gastrulation;  click here
  5. Embryonic induction and organizers click here

Unit 3: Late Embryonic Development 

  1. Fate of Germ Layers – Fate Map  click here
  2. Extra-embryonic membranes in birds and mammals  click here
  3. Implantation of embryo in humans, Placenta (Structure, types and functions of placenta)  click here

Unit 4: Post Embryonic Development 

  1. Metamorphosis: Changes, hormonal regulations in amphibians and insects; 
  2. Regeneration: Modes of regeneration, epimorphosis, morphallaxis and compensatory regeneration (with one example each); 
  3. Ageing: Concepts and Theories 

Unit 5: Implications of Developmental Biology 

  1. Teratogenesis: Teratogenic agents and their effects on embryonic development; 
  2. In vitro fertilization, 
  3.  Stem cell (ESC), Amniocentesis