Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis; Types of eggs, Egg membranes

 ZOOHCC - 601: Developmental Biology (Theory)


    Gametogenesis is the process by which specialized reproductive cells called gametes are formed. Gametes are responsible for sexual reproduction and are necessary for the fusion of genetic material from two individuals during fertilization, resulting in the formation of a new organism.

    In humans, gametogenesis occurs in the gonads, which are the testes in males and the ovaries in females. The process of gametogenesis differs between males and females:

    Spermatogenesis (Male Gametogenesis): Spermatogenesis is the process of producing sperm cells or spermatozoa. It begins at puberty and continues throughout a male's life. The key steps involved in spermatogenesis are:

    a. Germ Cell Division: Specialized cells called spermatogonia undergo mitotic divisions to produce a large number of cells called primary spermatocytes.

    b. Meiosis: Primary spermatocytes undergo two rounds of meiotic division, resulting in the formation of four haploid cells called spermatids.

    c. Spermiogenesis: Spermatids undergo a process called spermiogenesis, during which they undergo structural changes to develop into mature spermatozoa.

    Oogenesis (Female Gametogenesis): Oogenesis is the process of producing eggs or ova. It begins before birth and continues until menopause. The key steps involved in oogenesis are:

    a. Germ Cell Division: Specialized cells called oogonia undergo mitotic divisions during fetal development to produce primary oocytes.

    b. Meiosis I: Primary oocytes enter meiosis I but pause at prophase I until puberty. Each month, one primary oocyte is stimulated to complete meiosis I, resulting in the formation of a secondary oocyte and a polar body.

    c. Meiosis II: If the secondary oocyte is fertilized, it proceeds to meiosis II, resulting in the formation of a mature ovum and another polar body.


    It is the process of sperm cell development in males, leading to the production of mature spermatozoa (sperm cells). It occurs in the seminiferous tubules within the testes and involves a series of cellular divisions and differentiations.

    Here is an overview of the stages and key steps involved in spermatogenesis:


    Spermatogonia are the undifferentiated cells located in the outer lining of the seminiferous tubules. They undergo a process called mitosis to maintain the pool of stem cells. Some spermatogonia differentiate into primary spermatocytes.

    Primary Spermatocytes: Primary spermatocytes are diploid cells resulting from the differentiation of spermatogonia. They undergo the first meiotic division (meiosis I) to produce two haploid secondary spermatocytes.

    Secondary Spermatocytes: Secondary spermatocytes are haploid cells resulting from the first meiotic division. They quickly enter the second meiotic division (meiosis II) without going through an intervening interphase. This division produces four haploid cells called spermatids.

    Spermatids: Spermatids are haploid cells resulting from the second meiotic division. They are initially round in shape and have a limited capacity for movement. During spermiogenesis, spermatids undergo extensive structural changes to become mature spermatozoa.

    Spermatozoa: Spermiogenesis is the final stage of spermatogenesis, where spermatids differentiate into mature spermatozoa. Key transformations include:

    a. Acrosome Formation: The Golgi apparatus within spermatids forms the acrosome, a cap-like structure containing enzymes essential for fertilization.

    b. Head and Tail Formation: The nucleus of the spermatid condenses and elongates to form the head of the spermatozoon. The centrioles in the spermatid's cytoplasm give rise to the microtubules that make up the tail, allowing for motility.

    c. Shedding of Excess Cytoplasm: Excess cytoplasm is shed, leaving a compact and streamlined structure.

    The mature spermatozoa are released into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules and subsequently move into the epididymis for further maturation and storage until ejaculation.

    spermiogenesis is the final phase of spermatogenesis, specifically focused on the maturation and differentiation of spermatids into fully formed and functional spermatozoa.

    It is important to note that spermatogenesis is a continuous process in males, producing millions of sperm cells each day. The entire process, from spermatogonia to mature spermatozoa, takes approximately 64 to 72 days.


    Oogenesis is the process of egg cell or ovum development in females. It involves the maturation of oocytes within the ovaries, leading to the production of mature eggs capable of fertilization. Oogenesis differs from spermatogenesis, as it has a more limited and finite supply of oocytes that are present at birth and gradually decline over a woman's reproductive lifespan.

    Here is an overview of the stages and key steps involved in oogenesis:

    Oogonia: Oogonia are the undifferentiated cells present in the ovaries of a developing female fetus. They undergo mitotic divisions to increase their numbers during fetal development. These cells eventually differentiate into primary oocytes.

    Primary Oocytes: Primary oocytes are diploid cells resulting from the differentiation of oogonia. They enter a phase of cell growth and remain arrested in prophase I of meiosis until puberty.

    Ovarian Cycle: During the monthly ovarian cycle, a small number of primary oocytes are stimulated to resume development. However, typically, only one primary oocyte fully matures during each menstrual cycle.

    Meiosis I: The fully matured primary oocyte undergoes meiosis I. As a result of meiosis I, the primary oocyte divides into two cells: a secondary oocyte and the first polar body. The secondary oocyte retains almost all of the cytoplasm, while the first polar body contains a small portion of cytoplasm and eventually degenerates.

    Meiosis II: If fertilization occurs, the secondary oocyte proceeds to meiosis II. However, meiosis II is only completed if the secondary oocyte is penetrated by a sperm cell. Completion of meiosis II results in the formation of a mature ovum (egg) and a second polar body.

    Fertilization: If the mature ovum is fertilized by a sperm cell, it combines its genetic material with that of the sperm, forming a zygote. The zygote then undergoes further development and cell divisions to form an embryo.

    It is important to note that oogenesis is a continuous process, with a small number of oocytes being selected for maturation and release each month during a woman's reproductive years. However, the vast majority of oocytes do not fully develop and undergo atresia, a process of degeneration.

    Overall, oogenesis is the process by which female germ cells develop into mature eggs, allowing for the possibility of fertilization and subsequent development of an embryo.

    Types of eggs

    On the basis of the amount of yolk eggs are classified as follow:
    1. Alecithal Eggs: If yolk is not present in the egg, it is known as alecithal egg. e.g., The eggs of
    eutherian mammals
    2. Microlecithal Egg: These are small sized eggs containing less or negligible amount of yolk
    than the amount of cytoplasm. e.g., Eggs of Hydra, Sea urchin, Amphioxus, Tunicates.
    3. Mesolecithal Egg: If amount of yolk is moderate in eggs, these eggs are named as
    mesolecithal eggs. e.g., the eggs of Amphibians, Dipnoi and Petromyzon.
    4. Macrolecithal or Megalecithal or Polylecithal Egg
    This type of egg contains large amount of yolk several time greater than cytoplasm. e.g.,
    Reptiles, Birds, Prototheria.
    On the Basis of the distribution of yolk
    A)Isolecithal or Homolecithal Eggs: In isolecithal eggs very small amount of yolk is present.
    The yolk in such eggs is scattered almost uniformly throughout the ooplasm. e.g.,
    Echinoderms, Amphioxus, mammals.
    B)Telolecithal Eggs: In telolecithal eggs, moderate or large quantity of yolk is present but the
    distribution of yolk is not uniform. The yolk is concentrated more towards the vegetal pole.
    C) Centrolecithal Egg:In these types of eggs, yolk is concentrated in the center of egg. The
    surface of the yolk is covered by a thin peripheral layer of cytoplasm. e.g., Eggs of Insects and
    some hydrozoa.
    Mosaic and Regulative Eggs
    a. Mosaic Egg or Determinate egg:
    In this type of eggs every portion of egg is predetermine before fertilization for embryonic
    development. If any part of egg is removed, the related organ does not originate and a defective
    embryo is formed. The remaining portion of the egg cannot make compensatory development.
    e.g., Molluscs and Ascidians.
    b. Regulative Egg/Indeterminate egg:
    The developmental potentialities of eggs are not predetermined. The normal development is not
    affected by removal of a small portion of the egg, or even one or two early blastomeres.
    On the Basis of Shell
    These are of two types (a) Cleidoic eggs (b) Non-cleidoic eggs
    (a) Cleidoic egg: These eggs are covered by thick and hard shell for protection. The shell is
    permeable for gases. e.g., Reptiles and Birds.
    (b) Non Cleidoic egg: These eggs are without shell e.g., All viviparous animals and oviparous
    animals which lay eggs in water have non-cleidoic egg.

    Egg Membranes

    The oogenesis is followed by formation of protective egg membrane around the ovum. Except
    sponges and coelenterates almost all the animals have a protective membrane surrounds the ovum.
    These membranes are produced by the egg itself or by the follicle cells of the ovary or by the
    oviduct of the female. On the basis of their origin the egg membranes are classified into three
    1. Primary membranes
    2. Secondary membranes
    3. Tertiary membranes
    I. Primary membrane: These membranes develop in the ovary, between the oocyte and follicle
    cells around the plasma membrane. Primary egg membranes are secreted either by follicle cells
    or by oocyte and sometimes by the contribution of both. The primary membranes have different
    structure in the different animals. They are following types:
    A) Vitelline Membrane: In some animals egg primary membrane is known as vitelline
    membrane. It is very thin and transparent and contains mucopolysaccharides and fibrous
    protein. The space between vitelline membrane and the plasma membrane is called
    perivitelline space, filled with a fluid called perivitelline fluid. Commonly found in Eggs of
    Insects, Molluscs, Echinoderms, Amphibians, Birds etc.
    B) Chorion: It is found in the eggs of lower chordates like Teleost fishes. It is a product of
    surface ooplasm.
    C) Zona Radiata: The primary membrane of egg of the shark, some bony fishes, some
    amphibians and some reptile has a radiated appearance produced by the surface of ooplasm
    called zona radiata.
    D) Zona Pellucida: It is a glycoprotein layer surrounding the plasma membrane of mammalian
    oocyte secreted by follicle cells.
    II. Secondary Membranes
    The secondary membrane is formed as a basement membrane by a layer of the follicle cells that
    surround the ovum. These membranes are usually tough and impermeable. The secondary
    membranes are as follows:
    a. Chorion: This is a common outer covering in the eggs of insects, ascidians and
    cyclostomes. It is found outside the vitelline membrane. As the chorion is tough and
    impermeable, it is provided with one or more openings called micropyles through which
    the sperms enter the egg.
    b. Corona Radiata: It is found in mature mammalian eggs around the ovum outside the
    zona pellucida . This membrane is formed by columnar, radially arranged layer of follicle
    3 III. Tertiary Membranes
    The tertiary membranes are secreted by the cells of oviduct when ovum moves through the
    a. White Albumen
    It surrounds the vitelline membrane of hen egg and formed by the secretions of anterior
    part of the oviduct, consists of water and protein.
    b. Shell Membrane: The two shell membranes of keratin cover the albumen in the egg
    of hen.
    c. Shell: The shell is the outer porous covering formed by calcium carbonate and
    collagen found in eggs of reptiles and birds.
    d. Jelly Coat: The amphibian eggs are covered by albumen (jelly) as gelatinous covering called jelly coat. These jelly envelopes attach the eggs in masses and protect them from infection and insulate them.