ZOOHCC - 501 | Content | Bsc Zoology Honours |


ZOOHCC - 501: Molecular Biology (Theory)

Unit 1: Nucleic Acids 

  • Salient features and chemical compositions of DNA and RNA 2. Watson and Crick model of DNA; Structure and types of RNA click here
Unit 2: DNA Replication
  • DNA Replication in prokaryotes click here
  • DNA Replication in eukaryotic click here
  • Mechanism of DNA replication click here
  • Conservative, Semi-Conservative, Dispersive, The three models for DNA replication  click here
  • Bidirectional  Replication click here
  • Semi-discontinuous replication click here
  • RNA priming, Okazaki fragment click here
  • Replication of telomeres, Aging, function of telomeres click here

Unit 3: Transcription and Regulatory RNAs

    Unit 4: Translation 

    • Genetic code, Degeneracy of the genetic code and Wobble Hypothesis click here

    • Process of protein synthesis in prokaryotes click here
    • Ribosome structure and assembly in prokaryotes click here
    • aminoacyl tRNA synthetases and charging of tRNA click here
    • Proteins involved in initiation, elongation and termination of polypeptide chain click here
    • Inhibitors of protein synthesis Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation click here

    Unit 5: Post Transcriptional Modifications, Processing of Eukaryotic RNA and Gene Regulation 

    • Split genes: concept of introns and exons click here
    • splicing mechanism, alternative splicing click here
    • exon shuffling and RNA editing click here
    •  Processing of tRNA and rRNA click here
    • Transcription regulation in prokaryotes click here
    • Principles of transcriptional regulation with examples from lac operon and trp operon click here