ZOOHCC-602 Content | Bsc Zoology Honours |

ZOOHCC - 602: Evolutionary Biology (Theory)  list view

Unit 1: 

  1. Life’s Beginnings: Chemogeny, RNA world, Biogeny, Click here
  2. Origin of photosynthesis, Evolution of eukaryotes  Click here
  3. Historical review of evolutionary concept: Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism  Click here

Unit 2:

  1. Evidences of Evolution: Fossil record (types of fossils, transitional forms Click here
  2. Geological time scale Click here  
  3. Evolution of horse Click here
  4. Homologous & Analogous organs, Difference between homologous and analogous organ Click here
  5. Neutral theory of molecular evolution, molecular clock Click here
  6. Sources of variations: Heritable variations and their role in evolution Click here

Unit 3: 

  1. Population genetics  Click here
  2. Hardy-Weinberg Law (statement and derivation of equation);   click here
  3. Natural selection (concept of fitness): Density-dependent selection, heterozygous superiority, kin selection, sexual selection.  click here 
  4. Genetic Drift (mechanism, founder’s effect, bottleneck phenomenon)    click here
  5. Role of Migration and Mutation in changing allele frequencies   click here

Unit 4: 

  1. Product of evolution: Micro evolutionary changes (inter-population variations, clines, Races; Species concept) 
  2. Isolating mechanisms, modes of speciation—allopatric, sympatric; Adaptive radiation / macroevolution (exemplified by Galapagos finches and mammals) 
  3. Extinctions, Background and mass extinctions (causes and effects) 

Unit 5: 

  1. Origin and evolution of man, Unique hominid characteristics contrasted with primate characteristics, primate phylogeny from Dryopithecus leading to Homo sapiens 
  2. Phylogenetic trees, Construction of phylogenetic trees and their interpretation