RNA Primer Okazaki fragments Discovery of the Okazaki Fragment

ZOOHCC - 501: Molecular Biology (Theory)
Unit 2: DNA Replication

    RNA Primer:

    A primer is a short nucleic acid sequence that provides a starting point for DNA synthesis. In organisms, primers are short strands of RNA. Primers must be synthesized by an enzyme called primase, a type of RNA polymerase, before DNA replication can occur. Synthesis of primers is necessary because DNA syntheses, called DNA polymerases, can only add new DNA nucleotides to an existing strand of nucleotides. Thus, primers help prepare and lay the groundwork for DNA synthesis. Before DNA replication is complete, primers are removed and sequence gaps are filled with DNA by DNA polymerase. In the laboratory, scientists can design and synthesize DNA primers with specific sequences that bind to sequences on single-stranded DNA molecules. These DNA primers are commonly used to perform the polymerase chain reaction for copying DNA fragments and DNA sequencing.

    RNA Primer:

    An RNA primer is a short sequence of RNA that serves as a starting point for DNA synthesis. It is synthesized by an enzyme called primase, which is a type of RNA polymerase.

    During DNA replication, the double-stranded DNA is unwound by the helicase enzyme. The leading strand is synthesized continuously by DNA polymerase, while the lagging strand is synthesized in short fragments known as Okazaki fragments. In both cases, the DNA polymerase requires a 3'-OH group to add new nucleotides to the growing strand.

    However, DNA polymerase cannot initiate synthesis on a bare DNA template; it requires a pre-existing 3'-OH group to start adding nucleotides. This is where the RNA primer comes in. Primase adds a short RNA sequence (about 10 nucleotides long) complementary to the template DNA strand, which provides a 3'-OH group for DNA polymerase to start adding nucleotides.

    Once the RNA primer is synthesized, DNA polymerase takes over and begins to extend the primer by adding DNA nucleotides to the 3'-OH group. Later, the RNA primer is removed by the exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase, and the resulting gap is filled by DNA synthesis.

    Okazaki fragments

    Okazaki fragments are short DNA stretches formed during discontinuous synthesis of the lagging strand during DNA replication. It is essential as it allows the synthesis of her two daughter strands required for cell division.

    Discrete replication produces Okazaki fragments The Okazaki fragment in bacteria and bacteriophage T4 is 1000-2000 nucleotides long, whereas in eukaryotes it is only about 100-300 nucleotides. Each Okazaki fragment is primed with a short RNA because DNA polymerase cannot initiate DNA synthesis. Coordination of leading and lagging strand replication and synthesis of RNA primers for lagging strand replication are discussed elsewhere in this encyclopedia. In some organisms, such as Escherichia coli and bacteriophage T4, the same DNA polymerase is responsible for both leading and lagging strand DNA replication. Yeast, and probably all eukaryotes, have different DNA polymerases that lead and retard the replication of strand DNA. The DNA polymerase epsilon (ε) is primarily responsible for leading strand replication, while the DNA polymerase delta (δ) is responsible for Okazaki fragment synthesis and lagging strand replication. Joining of the Okazaki fragment requires removal of the RNA primer, DNA replication to complete the synthesis, and treatment of the ends by a nuclease to create a 'nick' that can be closed by the action of DNA ligase.


    Primer RNA is the RNA that initiates DNA synthesis. DNA synthesis requires a primer because no known DNA polymerase can initiate polynucleotide synthesis. DNA polymerases specialize in extending polynucleotide chains from available 3' hydroxyl ends. In contrast, RNA polymerase can extend and initiate polynucleotides. Primase is a specialized RNA polymerase that synthesizes short-lived oligonucleotides that are used only during DNA replication. "Transcriptional" RNA polymerases primarily synthesize messenger RNA, but transcripts are sometimes used to initiate DNA synthesis. For example, the single-stranded DNA phage M13 genome uses RNA polymerase instead of primase to initiate DNA synthesis. Furthermore, a leading hypothesis for the initiation of mitochondrial DNA replication is that mitochondrial RNA polymerase synthesizes polymers that do not migrate from the template. A specialized RNase MRP then cleaves the ribopolymer at specific positions, leaving the exposed 3'-hydroxyl terminus to act as a primer for DNA synthesis. Finally, transfer RNAs constitute a special class of primer RNAs, as specific tRNA species are used by retroviral reverse transcriptase to initiate replication of the retroviral genome. It is also possible to initiate DNA synthesis without primer RNA. Adenovirus and the ϕ29 initiator protein covalently bind to the 5' ends of both linear duplex DNAs, providing serine β-hydroxy groups for extension by DNA polymerases. Another example is that many plasmids encode sequence-specific nucleases that cleave one strand of the duplex to generate the 3' hydroxyl for host DNA polymerases. An example of an animal virus is a parvovirus in which the 3' end of the parental strand forms a DNA hairpin and primes its complement.

    Discovery of the Okazaki Fragment:

    Discovery of the Okazaki Fragment

    The Okazaki fragment was detected by pulse labeling of E. coli with 3 H-thymidine under conditions that significantly reduced the rate of cell growth and division. To uniformly label DNA with 14C, different generations of E. coli were cultivated at the optimum temperature of 37°C in the presence of 14C-thymidine. Cells were then cooled to 20° C. and pulsed with 3 H-thymidine for 10 seconds to label nascent DNA under conditions in which a decrease in DNA replication rate reveals the presence of transient intermediates. The doubling time of E. coli is about 40 minutes at 37°C and about 250 minutes at 20°C. In pulse-chase experiments, cells were supplemented with large amounts of unlabeled thymidine and pulse-labeled for 10 s at a temperature of 20 °C. Incubation continued for the suggested time. Neat cellular DNA was then isolated, fractionated by sedimentation on an alkaline sucrose gradient, and completely denatured. The amount of acid-insoluble radioactivity was quantified in each section of the gradient that could be dissolved by treatment with deoxyribonuclease. Under these conditions, the majority of 3H-DNA initially appears as fragments of approximately 50–5000 nucleotides in length, followed by rapidly elongated 3H-DNA fragments, some of which are involved in DNA replication. Ordered as a temporary intermediate.