Fertilization (External and Internal): Changes in gametes, Blocks to polyspermy

ZOOHCC - 601: Developmental Biology (Theory)

    Fertilization (External and Internal): Changes in gametes

    External and internal fertilization are two different reproductive strategies used by organisms to achieve successful fertilization. These strategies involve specific changes in gametes (sperm and eggs) to facilitate the fusion of genetic material. Let's explore the changes that occur in gametes during external and internal fertilization:

    External Fertilization

    External fertilization occurs when the fusion of gametes takes place outside the body of the organism. This strategy is commonly observed in aquatic environments, where organisms release their gametes into the water. The changes in gametes during external fertilization are as follows:

    Sperm Changes

    Sperm Activation: When released into the water, sperm undergoes activation. This process involves an increase in motility, allowing the sperm to swim towards the eggs.
    Chemotaxis: Sperm may be attracted to chemical signals released by the eggs. This helps guide the sperm towards the vicinity of the eggs.
    External Fertilization Adaptations: Sperm cells may have adaptations such as streamlined shape, flagella for swimming, and an acrosome containing enzymes for penetrating the egg's protective layers.

    Egg Changes:

    Egg Release: The eggs are released into the water, often in large numbers to increase the chances of successful fertilization.
    Protective Layers: Eggs may have protective layers, such as jelly coats or membranes, to prevent desiccation and provide mechanical protection.
    Chemical Signals: Eggs release chemical signals known as attractants to guide sperm towards them

    Internal Fertilization

    Internal fertilization occurs when the fusion of gametes takes place inside the reproductive tract of the organism. This strategy is common in terrestrial animals and some aquatic organisms. The changes in gametes during internal fertilization are as follows:

    Sperm Changes

    Enhanced Motility: Sperm cells undergo modifications to enhance their motility and increase their chances of reaching the egg. They may possess flagella or other structures for swimming.
    Capacitation: Sperm cells undergo a process called capacitation within the female reproductive tract. This process involves changes in the sperm's plasma membrane, enabling it to penetrate the egg.
    Acrosome Reaction: During fertilization, the acrosome at the tip of the sperm releases enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the egg's protective layers.

    Egg Changes:

    Zona Reaction: The zona pellucida, a protective layer surrounding the egg, undergoes changes upon sperm contact. These changes prevent polyspermy, the fertilization of an egg by multiple sperm.
    Cortical Reaction: Upon fertilization, the egg releases cortical granules, which modify the zona pellucida to further prevent polyspermy.
    Egg Activation: Fertilization triggers changes within the egg, such as activation of metabolic processes and initiation of cell division.
    In both external and internal fertilization, the changes in gametes are aimed at increasing the likelihood of successful fertilization and subsequent development of the embryo. These changes are crucial for the fusion of genetic material, the prevention of polyspermy, and the initiation of embryonic development.

    Blocks to polyspermy

    Polyspermy refers to the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm. In most species, polyspermy is prevented through a series of mechanisms known as "blocks to polyspermy." These blocks ensure that only a single sperm fuses with the egg, allowing for successful fertilization and the development of a viable embryo. Here are the main blocks to polyspermy:

    Fast Block

    The fast block is the first line of defense against polyspermy and acts immediately upon fertilization.
    When the sperm fuses with the egg, it triggers a rapid change in the egg's electrical potential, resulting in a membrane depolarization.
    This depolarization creates a temporary electrical barrier that prevents additional sperm from fusing with the egg.
    Slow Block:

    slow block

    Also known as the cortical reaction, is a more sustained mechanism that reinforces the prevention of polyspermy.
    After the sperm fuses with the egg, it triggers a series of intracellular changes within the egg.
    Calcium ions are released into the egg's cytoplasm, leading to several reactions:

    Planes and patterns of cleavage

    Planes and patterns of cleavage refer to the ways in which a fertilized egg undergoes cell division during early embryonic development. These divisions help in the growth and differentiation of cells, leading to the formation of a multicellular organism. The planes and patterns of cleavage can vary among different organisms. Here are some common types:

    Radial Cleavage: In radial cleavage, the cell divisions occur along both the vertical and horizontal axes, resulting in daughter cells that are aligned directly above or below each other. This pattern is observed in organisms such as echinoderms and some annelids. Radial cleavage leads to the formation of a layered arrangement of cells.

    Spiral Cleavage: In spiral cleavage, the cell divisions occur at an oblique angle to the vertical axis, resulting in a spiral arrangement of daughter cells. This pattern is observed in organisms such as mollusks and some annelids. Spiral cleavage leads to a characteristic spiral arrangement of cells in subsequent developmental stages.

    Bilateral Cleavage: In bilateral cleavage, the cell divisions occur predominantly along the vertical axis, resulting in daughter cells that are aligned next to each other. This pattern is observed in organisms such as arthropods and chordates, including humans. Bilateral cleavage leads to the formation of a bilateral symmetry in the later stages of development.

    Rotational Cleavage: In rotational cleavage, the cell divisions occur at an oblique angle to each other, resulting in a rotational arrangement of daughter cells. This pattern is observed in some organisms, such as certain annelids. Rotational cleavage leads to the formation of a twisted arrangement of cells.

    Types of Blastula

    The blastula is a stage of embryonic development characterized by a hollow ball of cells called blastomeres. The blastula stage follows the cleavage of the zygote and precedes the formation of the gastrula. The types of blastula can vary based on different factors such as the arrangement of blastomeres and the presence or absence of specific features. Here are some common types of blastula:

    Coeloblastula: In coeloblastula, the blastomeres are arranged as a single layer of cells surrounding a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. This type of blastula is found in organisms like sea urchins and some amphibians.

    Stereoblastula: In stereoblastula, the blastomeres are arranged as multiple layers of cells, forming a solid mass with no central cavity. Stereoblastula is observed in some insects, annelids, and certain bivalve mollusks.

    Discoidal Blastula: In discoidal blastula, the blastomeres form a disc-like structure with a blastocoel confined to a small area at one pole. This type of blastula is found in birds, reptiles, and monotreme mammals.

    Superficial Blastula: In superficial blastula, the blastomeres divide without undergoing complete cytokinesis, resulting in a single large multinucleated cell layer called the syncytium. This type of blastula is observed in insects such as Drosophila.

    Blastocyst: Blastocyst is a specialized type of blastula found in mammals. It has an outer layer of trophoblast cells that will contribute to the placenta and an inner cell mass that will give rise to the embryo. The blastocoel is often present in a small cavity within the blastocyst.

    Fate maps (including Techniques)

    Fate mapping is a technique used in embryology to determine the developmental fate of cells during embryonic development. It involves labeling or tracing specific cells or groups of cells to track their lineage and understand their contribution to different tissues and organs in the developing embryo. Here are some common techniques and approaches used in fate mapping:

    Vital Dyes: This technique involves injecting or applying vital dyes, such as vital fluorescent dyes or vital dyes that change color upon chemical reaction, to specific cells or regions of the embryo. As the embryo develops, the labeled cells or tissues can be visualized under a microscope to track their migration and differentiation.

    Genetic Labeling: Genetic labeling techniques utilize transgenic animals or genetic manipulations to express fluorescent proteins or other markers specifically in certain cell populations. By introducing genetic markers into the embryo, researchers can track the labeled cells and observe their fate throughout development.

    Cell Transplantation: In this technique, cells from one embryo or region are transplanted into another embryo or specific location within the same embryo. By labeling the donor cells before transplantation, their fate can be tracked as they integrate into the recipient embryo and contribute to different tissues and organs.

    Lineage Tracing: Lineage tracing involves permanently marking specific cells or populations of cells with genetic or molecular markers that are heritable and can be passed on to daughter cells during cell division. This allows the tracking of cell lineages and the determination of the ultimate fate of labeled cells.

    Time-lapse Imaging: Time-lapse imaging techniques utilize advanced imaging technologies, such as confocal microscopy or live-cell imaging, to capture sequential images of developing embryos at specific time intervals. This enables researchers to observe cell movements, divisions, and differentiation in real-time and track the fate of labeled cells.

    Retroviral and Lentiviral Tracing: Retroviral and lentiviral vectors can be used to deliver genetic markers into specific cells or regions of the embryo. The viral vectors integrate into the host genome and pass on the genetic marker to daughter cells during cell division. This allows for long-term lineage tracing and fate mapping of labeled cells.

    These techniques and approaches provide valuable insights into the developmental potential and lineage relationships of cells during embryonic development. They help researchers understand the complex processes involved in tissue and organ formation, as well as the mechanisms underlying developmental disorders and diseases.

    Early development of frog and chick up to gastrulation

    Frog Development:

    Fertilization: External fertilization occurs in frogs. The male releases sperm onto the eggs as the female lays them in water. Fertilization takes place externally, and the sperm swim to the eggs to penetrate and fuse with them.

    Cleavage: After fertilization, the zygote undergoes rapid cell divisions called cleavage. The cleavage divisions produce a solid ball of cells called a morula.

    Blastula Formation: Cleavage continues, and the morula transforms into a hollow ball of cells called a blastula. The blastula consists of an outer layer of cells called the blastoderm and an inner fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel.

    Gastrulation: Gastrulation marks the beginning of the formation of the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. The process involves cell movements and rearrangements. The blastula undergoes invagination, in which cells at one pole of the blastula fold inward, forming a structure called the blastopore.

    Germ Layer Formation: During gastrulation, cells from the blastula's surface move inward through the blastopore. The cells that enter through the blastopore form the endoderm, which gives rise to the digestive tract and associated organs. The remaining cells on the outside of the embryo form the ectoderm, which will develop into the skin, nervous system, and other structures. The mesoderm, which develops between the ectoderm and endoderm, gives rise to muscles, skeleton, blood, and other organs.

    Chick Development:

    Fertilization: Internal fertilization occurs in birds. The male deposits sperm into the female's reproductive tract, and fertilization takes place inside the female's body.

    Cleavage: After fertilization, the zygote undergoes cleavage divisions, similar to frogs. However, chick cleavage is characterized by the presence of a large yolk, which is concentrated at one end of the embryo and provides nutrients for development.

    Blastoderm Formation: The cleavage divisions create a disc-shaped structure called the blastoderm on top of the yolk. The blastoderm consists of the blastodermic disc, which contains the future embryo, and the area pellucida, a transparent region in the center of the disc.

    Gastrulation: Gastrulation in chicks involves the formation of three germ layers, similar to frogs. The cells in the area pellucida begin to invaginate, forming a groove called the primitive streak. The primitive streak serves as the equivalent of the blastopore in frogs.

    Germ Layer Formation: Cells migrate and move along the primitive streak. Some cells move inward and give rise to the endoderm, which forms the digestive tract and associated organs. Other cells remain on the surface and become the ectoderm, which develops into the skin, nervous system, and other structures. The mesoderm forms between the ectoderm and endoderm, giving rise to muscles, skeleton, blood, and other organs.

    After gastrulation, the development of both frogs and chicks continues with the differentiation and further organization of the germ layers to form various organs and structures.

    Embryonic induction and organizers 

    Embryonic induction and organizers play crucial roles in the development of embryos, coordinating cell interactions and guiding the formation of different tissues and organs. These processes involve the secretion of signaling molecules and the establishment of specific regions called organizers that influence nearby cells. Let's explore these concepts further:

    Embryonic Induction:
    Embryonic induction refers to the process by which one group of cells influences the development of neighboring cells. During induction, certain cells release signaling molecules, known as inducers, which interact with the target cells and trigger specific cellular responses. These responses can include changes in gene expression, cell differentiation, and morphological transformations.

    Induction can occur between cells within the same germ layer (e.g., mesoderm inducing mesoderm) or between different germ layers (e.g., mesoderm inducing ectoderm). It plays a fundamental role in establishing the body plan and specifying different tissues and organs during embryogenesis.

    Organizers are specialized regions within the developing embryo that have the ability to induce neighboring cells and direct their development. These regions produce key signaling molecules, called morphogens, which have concentration gradients that provide positional information to surrounding cells.

    Two well-known examples of organizers are the Spemann organizer in amphibian embryos (e.g., frogs) and the Hensen's node in chick and mammalian embryos. The Spemann organizer, located in the dorsal lip of the blastopore, releases signaling molecules, including members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt families, which are critical for dorsal-ventral patterning and the formation of the central nervous system.

    Similarly, Hensen's node, a structure that forms at the anterior end of the primitive streak in chick embryos, serves as an organizer. It releases nodal signaling molecules, among others, which influence the formation of the anterior-posterior axis and induce the formation of the notochord and other mesodermal structures.

    These organizers exert their influence through the secretion of specific signaling molecules, which diffuse and create concentration gradients. Cells in different regions of the embryo receive different concentrations of these molecules, leading to distinct developmental fates and tissue differentiation.

    Overall, embryonic induction and organizers play vital roles in embryogenesis by orchestrating cell communication and providing instructive signals for proper tissue and organ formation. They contribute to the establishment of the body plan and the development of specialized structures in a coordinated and precise manner.